Commands in English ( විධාන) Basic English knowledge


එදිනෙදා ජීවිතයට වැදගත් වන පහසුවෙන් මතක් තබා ගත හැකි සරල විධාන කිහිපයක් මෙහි ඇතුළත් වේ. Children will often be introduced to command sentences in a practical way, by perhaps making something in class together, such as a paper airplane or simple buns. Led by the teacher, they class will discuss how to tell each other how to make the item. This will develop into naming the words they are starting their sentences with; this is when imperative verbs will be mentioned. Progress will be made towards moving the class from simply identifying imperative verbs in sentences, to writing their own command sentences based on a stimulus. For example, they might be asked to describe the process of making toast, or to write instructions on how to build a tent. In Upper Key Stage 2, children will be encouraged to write not only instructional texts (such as How to Build an Anderson Shelter) but also progress onto incorporating commands into direct speech.
